CCF Civil Construction Management Code Undergoes Update

The Code Undergoes a Significant Update

In lockstep with recent changes to the Quality and Environmental ISO Standards (2015 amendments) and in response to feedback from industry stakeholders, a major review and upgrade of the CCF Code was implemented – with the new version of the Code becoming a single source for specifying the combined ‘best practice’ principles of the relevant legislation and standards, and corresponding management system requirements.

The development of the new version of the Code was grounded on feedback from existing CCF Code users and experts in this field, to ensure its requirements are sensible, practical and usable to best meet the operational needs of its users. The primary objective of the Code update was to make additions and improvements that would be of greatest value to contractor businesses.

Updated elements of the CCF Code include:

  • Improvements to overall integration, increased simplification and decreased areas of duplication.

  • A more modern approach to the demonstration of required outputs and less focus on the requirement for documented procedures.

  • Increased focus on the requirement for clear designation of business/systems scope.

  • A simpler, total risk management approach, with an ‘all of systems’ (combined SEQ) requirement.

  • Increased focus on the demonstration of leadership, involvement and support by leaders in systems aspects.

  • Enhanced customer and community focus.

  • Increased focus on operations, endorsing a total risk management approach that includes a thorough assessment of SEQ risks and opportunities on a project by project basis.

  • Former non-conformance preventative/corrective action and improvement provisions upgraded to integrated improvement management requirements.

  • Updated requirements for information management and record control, incorporating modern electronic systems, data control, communications protocols and controls, information security, etc.

  • Consolidation and simplification of the requirements for communications and consultation into a unified SEQ approach.

  • Consolidation and simplification of the requirements for competence and awareness into a unified SEQ approach, with additional focus on proving appropriate qualification and competency, demonstrating a level of understanding and maintaining legislative ‘Duty of Care’ aspects.

  • The addition of requirements for incident management and emergency preparedness.

To ensure details of the Code update are effectively shared and understood within the industry, CCF Victoria will be hosting a series of workshops over the coming months in different regions/locations around the State. These workshops will be designed to provide guidance to both contractor businesses, local councils/ government, utilities authorities and auditor organisations.

To learn more about CCF Code Update Workshops in your area, contact the CCF Team on 1300 DIAL CCF.